Soul Veda Kitchen is a page run by Anajlina Chugani about the Ayurvedic and Holistic lifestyle.

Anjalina is a well-known chef, famous for her delicious Indian food, workshops, and her cook-book ‘Soul Spices’. I was lucky to meet her at one of her cooking workshops in her home in Barcelona. In early 2020, Anjalina decided to give a spin to her existing brand and start an Ayurvedic Instagram profile, with useful information, recipes, photos, and much more.

About the design process…


In this project, the challenge was to stay in line with her existing brand ‘Soul Spices’, keep it fun, but also refresh it a little and make it more readable.

Starting with the naming, we decided to keep the word ‘Soul’ as it is a key pillar of her identity and add to it ‘Veda - Kitchen’ as a reference to Ayurveda and gastronomy.

For the logo, we loved the curvy lettering from the original logo, so we kept it for the word Soul, with some small retouches, such as changing the ‘L’ and adding more space. The form of the full logo is a circle without an end or beginning, moving without restriction, suggesting energy and power. It can represent defense, endurance, and safety, or femininity. In the middle, we added a hand-drawn lotus symbol, to give it that personal touch and relatability.

The color palette has also been refreshed. We use vibrant, yet calming tones representing earth, water, sun, and fire.

Project created in April 2020




KAMPAI menu design